Happy New Year, Roswell Community Church family! Every January, millions of people around the globe resolve to reinvent themselves—often focusing on health, finances, or relationships. According to recent data, however, only a fraction of those resolutions last beyond the second Friday of the month. Clearly, we all desire change, but sustaining it can be tough.
Yet, for those of us seeking spiritual growth, there’s a deeper transformation available—one that goes well beyond a list of short-lived goals. If you, like me, find yourself yearning for something more profound than just a quick fix, the good news is we serve a God who specializes in genuine renewal.
As I reflect on the past year, I recall moments of complacency, spiritual dryness, and even despair. It’s easy to go through the motions—sing some songs on Sunday, greet a few people, listen to a sermon—without any real change. But in my heart, I’m hungry for true renewal. I want to be formed into the image of Jesus Christ, to experience the resurrection life He promises right here and now.
That’s why we exist as the body of Christ—to pursue transformation through the gospel, manifested in a growing love for God and for others. If you’ve ever felt spiritually “dry” or disconnected, take heart. Jesus stands ready to breathe new life into our weary souls.
Mercy as the Motivation for Transformation
Paul doesn’t tell us to make sacrifices to earn salvation; he urges us to offer our lives to God because of the mercies we have already received. Think of just a few mercies Paul lists earlier in Romans:
A Living Sacrifice: Constant and Holy
Under the Old Covenant, worshipers would bring animals to the altar, shedding their blood as atonement for sin. But because Jesus offered Himself once and for all, we don’t bring animal sacrifices anymore. Instead, He calls us to bring ourselves—our whole being—as a “living sacrifice.”
Do Not Conform, Be Transformed
It’s impossible to live in the world and remain unaffected by its currents. Our culture is relentless, ready to shape our desires and beliefs in ways contrary to God’s design. Conforming to the world can happen subtly:
Beholding the Glory of God
True change doesn’t come merely through behavior modification; it requires a transformed mind. The Greek word here is where we get “metamorphosis,” the same process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. When we come to Christ, we receive new life, but sanctification—the ongoing process of being conformed to Christ’s image—continues day by day.
How do we do this? By beholding the glory of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). We become what we behold.
A Year Marked by Renewal
This year at Roswell Community Church, let’s commit to lives of transformation, marked by worship in all we do. As we step into 2025, many people will chase fleeting fixes and quickly run out of steam. But we who belong to Jesus have a far more trustworthy path to genuine transformation. By the mercies of God, we can present our whole selves to Him—our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls—and refuse to be conformed to the patterns of this world. Instead, we can be transformed from the inside out.
So let’s go beyond mere resolutions. Let’s commit together to a year of deeper surrender, daily worship, and active renewal. Let’s behold Christ, allow the Holy Spirit to shape us into His likeness, and discover the life-giving joy of living as “living sacrifices.” May this be the year our hearts burn with fresh passion for our Savior, and may our lives bear witness to His amazing grace.
“Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.”
Yet, for those of us seeking spiritual growth, there’s a deeper transformation available—one that goes well beyond a list of short-lived goals. If you, like me, find yourself yearning for something more profound than just a quick fix, the good news is we serve a God who specializes in genuine renewal.
As I reflect on the past year, I recall moments of complacency, spiritual dryness, and even despair. It’s easy to go through the motions—sing some songs on Sunday, greet a few people, listen to a sermon—without any real change. But in my heart, I’m hungry for true renewal. I want to be formed into the image of Jesus Christ, to experience the resurrection life He promises right here and now.
That’s why we exist as the body of Christ—to pursue transformation through the gospel, manifested in a growing love for God and for others. If you’ve ever felt spiritually “dry” or disconnected, take heart. Jesus stands ready to breathe new life into our weary souls.
Mercy as the Motivation for Transformation
Paul doesn’t tell us to make sacrifices to earn salvation; he urges us to offer our lives to God because of the mercies we have already received. Think of just a few mercies Paul lists earlier in Romans:
- Our sins are forgiven.
- We are declared righteous by faith.
- We have peace with God.
- We have the indwelling Holy Spirit.
- We are adopted as children of God and co-heirs with Christ.
- We receive an abundance of grace.
A Living Sacrifice: Constant and Holy
Under the Old Covenant, worshipers would bring animals to the altar, shedding their blood as atonement for sin. But because Jesus offered Himself once and for all, we don’t bring animal sacrifices anymore. Instead, He calls us to bring ourselves—our whole being—as a “living sacrifice.”
- Living: This sacrifice is ongoing. We continually offer ourselves to God, day by day, moment by moment, rather than a one-time event.
- Holy: We’re set apart, dedicated fully to God. No competing idols allowed.
- Acceptable to God: Our wholehearted commitment delights the Lord. He takes pleasure in hearts devoted to Him.
Do Not Conform, Be Transformed
It’s impossible to live in the world and remain unaffected by its currents. Our culture is relentless, ready to shape our desires and beliefs in ways contrary to God’s design. Conforming to the world can happen subtly:
- Prioritizing self above all,
- Seeking pleasure or comfort at any cost,
- Adopting ethical standards that clash with Scripture, or
- Believing that we “belong to ourselves” instead of belonging to God.
Beholding the Glory of God
True change doesn’t come merely through behavior modification; it requires a transformed mind. The Greek word here is where we get “metamorphosis,” the same process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. When we come to Christ, we receive new life, but sanctification—the ongoing process of being conformed to Christ’s image—continues day by day.
How do we do this? By beholding the glory of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). We become what we behold.
- Contemplation and Meditation: Slow down to ponder God’s character, His Word, and His promises. Let Scripture shape your thought life.
- Praise and Thanksgiving: Worship through singing, prayer, and active gratitude. Remind yourself daily who God is and what He has done.
- Obedience and Service: Putting truth into practice renews your mind. When you serve others or step out in faith, you declare with your actions that Jesus is your greatest treasure.
A Year Marked by Renewal
This year at Roswell Community Church, let’s commit to lives of transformation, marked by worship in all we do. As we step into 2025, many people will chase fleeting fixes and quickly run out of steam. But we who belong to Jesus have a far more trustworthy path to genuine transformation. By the mercies of God, we can present our whole selves to Him—our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls—and refuse to be conformed to the patterns of this world. Instead, we can be transformed from the inside out.
So let’s go beyond mere resolutions. Let’s commit together to a year of deeper surrender, daily worship, and active renewal. Let’s behold Christ, allow the Holy Spirit to shape us into His likeness, and discover the life-giving joy of living as “living sacrifices.” May this be the year our hearts burn with fresh passion for our Savior, and may our lives bear witness to His amazing grace.
“Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.”
Returning to the Father: A Journey Through Renewal
March 3rd, 2025
A Story of Answered Prayer and Renewed Purpose
February 24th, 2025
Embracing Authentic Community in Roswell: A Call to Be Known and Loved
February 17th, 2025
A Renewed Purpose: Serving with a Whole Heart
February 10th, 2025
Why We Gather: Renewing Our Purpose in Worship at a Local Roswell Church
February 3rd, 2025
Advent Week One at Roswell Community: HopeAdvent Week Two at Roswell Community Church: PeaceAdvent Week Three: A Reflection on Joy from Roswell Community ChurchAdvent Week Four: Love at Advent: Finding Ourselves in the Story of ZacchaeusA Season of Renewal: Looking Ahead to a New Year at Roswell Community Church
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